6 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your College Major

Samantha Schaefer



Figuring out what you want to do with your life can be tough. There seems to be too many options to choose from, or maybe nothing seems to interest you at all. If you have decided to go to college, many people will ask what you plan to major in. When choosing a college major, many students find themselves feeling overwhelmed. If one of those students is you, here are 6 factors to consider before choosing a college major.


1.     What Subjects/Passions Interest You?

A great jumping-off point for choosing a college major is taking a look at the subjects and passions that interest you. You have gone through many years of school up until this point. Did you have a favorite class or subject in high school that you would consider making your major?  If not, did you have a hobby that could correlate with a career? It’s important to remember that not all college majors directly relate to a class that you have already taken. Majors like communications, theater, and business are all things that you may not have been exposed to in a school setting.   


2.     What Subjects Are You Good at?

For some students, the subjects that they performed well in align with the subjects they enjoyed. However, this is not always the case. Take a look at some of your old report cards and see where the highest grades are. Did that subject also interest you enough to make it your college major? Is there a major that relates indirectly to that subject? If not, don’t worry. There are many college majors that don’t correlate exactly to the classes you have taken in school.    


3.     What Career Interests You?

If you already have some career options in mind, it can make choosing a college major a whole lot easier. Many majors like engineering can have a career path set out for you after graduation. However, other majors like English or business can leave you with many open doors and more choices to make post-graduation. There is also the decision of whether you would consider continuing school past your bachelor’s degree. Consider what career you would like to go into, and see which degree would help you get there.   


4.     How Much Money Do You Want to Make?

Many people will tell you to follow your passions above all else, and that you should do what you love regardless of the money you will make. Some of us do not have this luxury in choosing a college major. Some of us will value the money we make over being passionate about our work. Take into account which is your priority. Some majors you could choose will lead to more lucrative careers, and that should be considered when choosing a college major. 


5.     What School Best Suites You?

Some students will know which school they want to attend prior to choosing a college major. If this is you, take a look at the majors offered by your school and see what interests you. Look at what people have to say about the programs offered by the school. You can look into the department that your major would be a part of and see if you would like to be a part of it. Some students choose a major before choosing their school. If this is you, check to see which schools have a good program for your major.     


6.     Do You Need to Know Yet?

If you have considered all of these factors and still find yourself not pulled toward any majors, check to see if the school(s) you are interested in have the option of entering as undecided. Many 17 and 18-year-olds are not sure what they want to do, and that is completely normal. Don’t stress yourself out. Once you are in school as an undecided student, you can take classes to see what interests you and choose your major later on. Also, if you have chosen a major, you can always switch majors. Choosing a college major does not have to be a stressful process. 




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