What is a Vocational School?

Melody Muñiz


Vocational, or trade school as it’s sometimes referred to, is any school where you go to learn specialized training skills in preparation for a specific job. The main difference between a vocational school and a regular four-year college is that a vocational school is more focused on the skills you need to do a certain job. Neither is better than the other; it just depends on what path you envision for yourself after high school. Do you know what field you want to work in already or do you want to take more classes and find out? Do you want to have that traditional college experience or finish school ASAP with a degree and a job? These are just a few questions to ask yourself if you are considering applying to one. Here are some qualities of vocational school that might help you find out if it’s right for you.


Vocational school programs do not take as long to complete as typical four-year university degrees. Depending on the school/program, you could obtain a degree or certification in your desired field in as little as six months or as many as twenty-four months. This also means you can start working and collecting salary right after you become certified/graduate from your chosen vocational school. The classes you take are specific and to the point. Vocational schools are designed for students to take only the classes they absolutely need in order to get hands-on, practical experience. When it comes to skilled labor jobs like massage therapy, for example, hands-on experience is not only important but totally necessary.

Tuition and Admittance

Since the timelines of most vocational schools are not as long as most four-year colleges, the cost of tuition is a lot cheaper as well. Tuition amounts vary from program to program, so the cost of attendance can range anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000. Federal financial aid is still available if you choose to pursue vocational school, as long the program is longer than 15 weeks. The process of applying to these programs is relatively easy; you simply need a school diploma or GED to enroll and to pass a Career Programs Assessment test which measures basic reading, writing, and math skills.

Types of Schools

When they think of vocational school, people mostly think of home repair services: plumbers, carpenters, electricians. And while those professions are most often offered at vocational schools, there are also tons of other options. You can study to be a:

·   Dental Hygienist

·   Cosmetologist

·   Pharmacy Technician

·   Massage Therapist

·   Nursing Assistant

·   Construction Manager

·   Air Traffic Controller

·   Culinary Chef

These occupations can be very lucrative because they are so specialized. You develop “hard skills,” or measurable skills that have real-world applications, so you can be a more competitive candidate for employment in the future.  

Is it Right for You?

Vocational schools are different from other forms of schooling, such as four-year universities, in that they have a shorter timeline, are more hands-on and straightforward, and are cheaper. But is it right for you? Think about what secondary education experience you want to have and what your goals are. Remember: all post-high school paths are created equal. Just because a four-year college plan is the traditional path does not mean it’s the best one for you. Vocational school is a great opportunity to learn specialized skills and put them to use for the good of others.


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